
Welcome to your dashboard that allows you to structure your digital business card. From the dashboard, you can add or delete many major links to your website.
The digital business card is the easiest way for your online store to get noticed. It has major share capabilities. It is like having a stand in an expo open for 24/7. Anyone and everyone can share your digital business card. The next choice is where on the page do you want your card and logo to sit?
Every store can be showcased in one of 4 locations.
1. You can be seen on the top line called a Mega Store (only 4 stores can a be a Mega Store).
2. You can be seen on the second line called a Super Store (only 5 stores can a be a Super Store).
3. You can be seen on the third line called a Boutique Store (only 6 stores can a be a Boutique Store).
4. You can be seen on the fourth line and beyond for FREE (unlimited number of stores can a be a free store, all free stores randomly rotate).
Store type
Payments methods accepted
Social Pages
Store type :
Website address
Skype address

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